About Us

Who We Are?

Global Net NZ is a private limited company established in 2002 by Hiro Ueda and is one of the largest inbound Ski Tour Operators in New Zealand, handling approximately 10% of the inbound Japanese Ski Market. We also provide car rental and travel agency services for inbound Japanese tourists. Our Lord of the Rings-themed tour services makes us a popular agency of choice for Japanese customers, and is a service which differentiates us from other large tourism companies by specialising in SIT (Special Interest Tours). With golf tours in spring to autumn, and ski tours in winter, we aim to provide authentic sports experience to people from all over the world throughout the year in Japan!

About the owner

Owner, Hiro Ueda, is an expert Japanese skier and was the first to offer advanced skiing tours in New Zealand to Japanese visitors. Hiro is an experienced expert skier as well as an instructor, and is now also working toward improving his golfing handicap. His personal best is 15-handicap, and he aims to one day become a single-digit handicap golfer.

Why Us?

Company Information

Company Name Global Net New Zealand Ltd.
Managing Director Hiro Ueda
Address 1005/79 Airedale Street, Auckland
Tel +0064 9 281 2143
E-MAIL info@golfbuddies.nz

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