Tomakomai Golf Resort 72

One of the best 4 courses in Japan with 72 holes.


South Course | EMINA GOLF CLUB


It's a beautiful course surrounded by rows of white birch trees. The bunker sand and the water in the ponds add to the scenic beauty. Escape from normal life and learn to enjoy a game of golf amidst beautiful scenery.

Front 9

Hole 1 Par 5, Back 535, Regular 502, Front 449
Since there are OB and bunker on the left side, the αim of the tee shot is on the right side.
The third shot has a rough right, so the second shot should be aimed at the left side.
Hole 2 Par 4, Back 430, Regular 387, Front 354
It is a middle hole of the right dogleg.
Bunkers, trees, OB and obstacles are waiting on the right side, so the tee shot is safely aimed at the fairway centre.
Hole 3 Par 3, Back 204, Regular 187, Front 164
It is a short hole with a distance.
There is a bunker in front of the right side of the green, so aim for the left side of the green.
Hole 4 Par 5, Back 555, Regular 510, Front 463 *Long-driving contest recommended
Long hole on the left dogleg.
There are almost no obstacles on the left and right for the tee shot.
The green has undulation and the putting is "high" difficulty.
Hole 5 Par 4, Back 375, Regular 348, Front 317
There is a tree on the left side of the fairway αt the second point, so it is α difficult hole to drop.
Club selection on the tee shot is also important.
Hole 6 Par 4, Back 383, Regular 362, Front 335
It is a blind hole where you cannot see the green from the tee ground.
The second shot from the left side is over the trees, so aim for the right side of the tee shot.
Hole 7 Par 3, Back 165, Regular 138, Front 116 *Closest to the pin recommended
Although it is a short hole with no distance, a large pond is waiting in front of the green.
The pond is sticking out to the side of the green, so a sense of distance is important.
Hole 8 Par 4, Back 425, Regular 399, Front 358
Dogleg to the right, but no shortcut required.
There is a distance, the green is also elevated and the difficulty is very high.
Hole 9 Par 4, Back 355, Regular 331, Front 301
There is a bunker on the right, and people who often hit long distance are in a location where they want to cross over the forest on the right.
If you succeed in crossing the forest, it will be close to the green, but the risk is very high.

Back 9

Hole 10 Par 5, Back 545, Regular 520, Front 470
In fact, the second point is wide, so the key is to be able to hit without worrying about the rushing feel.
The accuracy of the second shot is important because the fairway is narrow and dog-legged to the left side.
Hole 11 Par 4, Back 390, Regular 360, Front 325
Trees are sticking out just to the left of the tee ground, and when you stand on the tee ground, the fairway feels narrow.
In reality, the second point is wide, so the key is to be able to hit the ball without worrying about trees.
Hole 12 Par 3, Back 180, Regular 165, Front 150
If you drop it in the dent on the left, it will be difficult to feel the distance because there is a difference in height.
The tee shot is a hole that you want to wait until near the green.
Hole 13 Par 4, Back 410, Regular 370, Front 340
It is a middle hole of the dogleg to the left.
The aim is a large tree that can be seen in the centre, but if you hit too far, you may penetrate the forest.
Club selection for tee shot is important.
Hole 14 Par 4, Back 375, Regular 345, Front 315
You may like to take the plunge with a downhill tee shot, but the second point is very narrow.
The green is also quick from the top, so it is best to attack from the front.
Hole 15 Par 4, Back 400, Regular 365, Front 335
It is essential to select a club that does not reach the pond for the tee shot.
From the second point to the front of the green, a pond is waiting on the left side of the fairway.
Hole 16 Par 3, Back 190, Regular 170, Front 160 *Closest to the pin recommended
This is a playful short hole that the back of the green has a strong slope, the bunker on the right front is U-shaped, and a fairway appears inside the bunker.
Hole 17
Par 5, Back 565, Regular 535, Front 485 *Long-driving contest recommended
The fairway is a recommended hole for the Long-driving contest that can be hit widely.
Since it is a launch shot from the third shot point, it becomes difficult to feel the distance.
South Hole 17
Hole 18
Par 4, Back 380, Regular 350, Front 320
The tee shot has OB on both sides, and there is a pond from the second point to the front of the green.
The distance is short, but accuracy is required on every shot.
South Hole 18

West course | EMINA GOLF CLUB

In this course layout, there are many dogleg holes that follow beautiful undulating terrain.
You can play this course in a buggy with GPS navigation, and the forward tees make it accessible for all skill levels.

Front 9

Hole 1 Par 4, Back 386, Regular 362, Front 339, Ladies 399
There is a cliff on the right, but even if you drop it, there are little trees so you may be able to aim for the green.
The tee shot is aimed to the right without being afraid of the cliff.
Hole 2 Par 4, Back 399, Regular 378, Front 358, Ladies 310
It is a middle hole of the right dogleg.
The tee shot is safely aimed at the fairway centre because the OB is also hidden behind the cliff on the right.
Hole 3 Par 4, Back 407, Regular 377, Front 340, Ladies 340
A tee shot downhill, a second shot downhill, and dogleg to the left middle bole.
You may like to aim for a shortcut, but it is safe to aim at the fairway centre because it requires a distance.
Hole 4 Par 3, Back 215, Regular 192, Front 175, Ladies 140
It is a short hole with a distance.
With about 80 yards remaining, big trees are sticking out from both sides, so an accurate tee shot is required.
Hole 5 Par 5, Back 506, Regular 486, Front 472, Ladies 400 *Long-driving contest recommended
It is a long hole with a short distance and few obstacles.
It is a hole where you want to aim for a birdie or an eagle with a drastic shot.
Hole 6 Par 4, Back 392, Regular 371, Front 351, Ladies 280
Trees at the fairway centre block the way.
Trees can become stymy even with nice shots.
Hole 7 Par 4, Back 434, Regular 412, Front 393, Ladies 320
This is a straight middle hole.
There are bunkers on both sides in front of the green, so always aim for the centre.
Hole 8 Par 3, Back 161, Regular 143, Front 130, Ladies 130 *Closest to the pin recommended
A big tree in front of the left side of the green blocks the way.
It is safe to avoid trees and attack from the right.
Hole 9 Par 5, Back 542, Regular 520, Front 502, Ladies 430
It is a long hole with a dogleg to the left.
After the second shot, the fairway is narrow, so you need an accurate shot.

Back 9

Hole 10 Par 4, Back 441, Regular 417, Front 401, Ladies 320
It is a middle hole with a dogleg to the right and a long distance.
You might like to aim for a shortcut from the right, but a pond is waiting in a place not visible from the tee ground.
Hole 11 Par 3, Back 168, Regular 153, Front 140, Ladies 140 *Closest to the pin recommended
Be careful of the pond on the right side of the green.
Since it is an elevated green, the approach shot is difficult if you miss the green.
Hole 12 Par 5, Back 519, Regular 501, Front 478, Ladies 400
It is a long hole launched only on the tee shot.
Since the fairway is wide, it is a hole that you want to take the plunge.
Hole 13 Par 4, Back 403, Regular 381, Front 363, Ladies 280
It is a middle hole of the right dogleg.
There is no need for a shortcut and it is safe to aim at the fairway centre.
Hole 14 Par 5, Back 515, Regular 498, Front 476, Ladies 380 *Long-Driving Contest recommended
It is a long hole with a short distance.
If you are able to hit long distance, aiming two on, but the tree in front of the green blocks the way.
Hole 15 Par 4, Back 421, Regular 396, Front 373, Ladies 300
Because the fairway is wide, you can hit a drastic tee shot.
It is a hole with a long distance but few obstacles.
Hole 16 Par 4, Back 402, Regular 379, Front 361, Ladies 290
This hole is unique because you can see the bunker across the fairway centre.
You might like to aim at the left side, but the tree probably become stymy on the second shot.
This is a challenge to go beyond the bunker.
Hole 17 Par 3, Back 194, Regular 179, Front 164, Ladies 125
Please be careful because there are valleys and ponds in front of the right side of the green.
It is safe to aim at the left side by selecting a club that reaches the green.
Hole 18 Par 4, Back 372, Regular 358, Front 345, Ladies 263
The target is on the left side, but if you go too far to the left, the OB is hiding.
The second shot is aimed at the centre because there are bunkers on both sides of the green.



The 18th hole has a pond in front of the green, which even pros often have trouble, meaning that focus must be maintained up to the end. This course is perfect for golfers who enjoy the game as a sport.
In this course, you are able to use a cart with GPS navigation and play the course from forward tees, making it accessible to golfers of all abilities.

Front 9

Hole 1 Par 4, Back 450, Regular 391, Front 374
It is a middle hole of the right dogleg.
You may like to aim for a shortcut, but both side OBs are waiting.
It is really important for selecting a club on tee shots.
Hole 2 Par 4, Back 470, Regular 408, Front 360
This is a middle hole with a long distance.
There are trees and bunkers on the right side of the green, so the best place to drop the tee shot is on the left fairway.
Hole 3 Par 5, Back 544, Regular 520, Front 498
There is OB on the right side, but there are almost no obstacles other than in front of the green.
However, the fairway is very narrow.
Hole 4 Par 3, Back 182, Regular 162, Front 147
A large pond awaits under the tee ground.
The approach is also of "high" difficulty because it is elevated green.
Hole 5 Par 4, Back 396, Regular 377, Front 357
You cannot see the second spot from the tee ground.
There are innumerable humps around the green, and the difficulty level is "high" with a two-tiered green.
Hole 6 Par 5, Back 524, Regular 490, Front 455
It is a long hole with a dogleg to the left.
You would like to aim for a shortcut, but the long distance is necessary and the fairway is narrow.
It is safe to target at the fairway centre on the tee shot.
Hole 7 Par 4, Back 424, Regular 380, Front 350
It is a middle hole of the right dogleg.
It is a hole where you want to aim for a shortcut with a tee shot, but forest is waiting in front of the right side of the green.
Hole 8 Par 3, Back 147, Regular 120, Front 107 *Closest to the pin recommended
You need to be careful of the bunker in front of the green.
It is a hole to aim the birdie.
Hole 9 Par 4, Back 400, Regular 374, Front 320
If you drop the tee shot to the right, it will be difficult to aim for the green.
The tee shot is where you want to make sure you keep the left corner.

Back 9

Hole 10 Par 4, Back 470, Regular 410, Front 380
It is a middle hole with a long distance.
There is an OB on the left side, but the right side is relatively wide.
It is safe to aim at the centre right of the tee shot.
Hole 11 Par 4, Back 407, Regular 389, Front 366
There is no OB on both sides, but if you hit the ball to the rough on both sides, the trees will block your way.
You would like to keep it on the fairway.
Hole 12 Par 3, Back 205, Regular 181, Front 163
It is quite a long distance short hole.
There are trees, bunkers and obstacles on both sides.
Direction is important without overdoing the tee shot.
Hole 13 Par 4, Back 430, Regular 350, Front 295 *Long-driving contest recommended
It is a relatively wide fairway.
You want to aim for birdie with the strong hit for tee shot.
Hole 14 Par 5, Back 533, Regular 507, Front 481
Since there are no OBs on both sides of the tee shot, it is a hole that you want to take the plunge.
However, as you get closer to the green, the bunker, OB, undulation and difficulty on the green will increase.
Hole 15 Par 3, Back 174, Regular 154, Front 130 *Closest to the pin recommended
If you drop it in the dent on the right front, it will be difficult to feel the distance because there is a height difference to the green.
A tee shot that emphasises a sense of distance is required.
Hole 16 Par 4, Back 359, Regular 335, Front 316
This is a middle hole with a short distance.
Since it is an elevated green, you would like to drop the ball on the green on the second shot because the distance is short.
Hole 17 Par 4, Back 433, Regular 392, Front 370
This is a middle hole with a right dogleg.
You might like to shortcut because of the long distance, but trees block your way.
This is safe to aim at the fairway centre.
Hole 18
Par 5, Back 503, Regular 486, Front 434
This is a long hole that is able to aim for 2 shots on the green.
A large pond and bunkers, which professionals struggled with, are waiting in front of the green.
East Hole 18

Iris Course | IRIS GOLF CLUB

Because the holes are relatively short, they are suitable for beginners or women golfers.
However, the course's natural undulating greens require accuracy in approach shots and putting.
Beginners will benefit from a round on this course, and experienced golfers can confirm their skills, making it a favourite choice of golfers of all levels.

Front 9

Hole 1 Par 4, Back 366, Regular 349, Front 330, Ladies 309
Hole 2 Par 3, Back 180, Regular 151, Front 125, Ladies 125
Hole 3 Par 4, Back 416, Regular 390, Front 369, Ladies 323
Hole 4 Par 5, Back 492, Regular 476, Front 447, Ladies 414 *Long-driving contest recommended
Hole 5 Par 4, Back 361, Regular 348, Front 340, Ladies 253
Hole 6 Par 4, Back 393, Regular 376, Front 356, Ladies 290
Hole 7 Par 4, Back 339, Regular 318, Front 288, Ladies 288
Hole 8 Par 3, Back 157, Regular 142, Front 135, Ladies 135 *Closest to the pin recommended
Hole 9 Par 5, Back 526, Regular 477, Front 459, Ladies 438

Back 9

Hole 10 Par 4, Back 319, Regular 295, Front 271, Ladies 271
Hole 11 Par 3, Back 197, Regular 172, Front 132, Ladies 132
Hole 12 Par 4, Back 420, Regular 400, Front 379, Ladies 288
Hole 13 Par 4, Back 372, Regular 350, Front 327, Ladies 327 *Long-driving contest recommended
Hole 14 Par 5, Back 482, Regular 471, Front 448, Ladies 408
Hole 15 Par 3, Back 164, Regular 139, Front 117, Ladies 117
Hole 16 Par 4, Back 400, Regular 379, Front 357, Ladies 357
Hole 17 Par 4, Back 394, Regular 372, Front 347, Ladies 312
Hole 18 Par 5, Back 563, Regular 535, Front 520, Ladies 450



Prepare for your round and relax afterward in the comfortable clubhouse with historic and traditional atmosphere, fully equipped with impeccable service and abundant facilities.



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